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Juli 2016At the Digital Humanities Conference 11-16 July, 2016 in Kraków [1] Christoph Schindler and Basil Ell presented the paper "Linking Qualitative and Quantitative Research by Thin Descriptions through Semantic Graphs. Experiments in Apparatus Design with Semantic CorA."
März 2016At DGfE Congress in Kassel, 13-16 March, 2016 [1] Christoph Schindler gave a presentation on the topic "Digitale Forschung jenseits des Gegensatzes qualitativer/quantitativer Paradigmen"
Mai 2015Workshop @ ISI. The Workshop "Digital humanities and the technologies of the semantic web: decolonizing description for the sake of digital humanities" at the isi 2015 addresses main points of Semantic CorA (May 18, 2015, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm).
März 2015Poster @ science 2.0. Christoph Schindler and Marc Rittberger presented the poster entitled "Liquid Semantics in a Collaborative Research Environment" at the science 2.0 conference (March 25 - 26, 2015) in Hamburg. Thereby, Christoph Schindler gave a short lighning talk.