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Debug output SQLStore
ASK Query
[[SO type::news]]
SQL Query
  t0.smw_id AS id,
  t0.smw_title AS t,
  t0.smw_namespace AS ns,
  t0.smw_iw AS iw,
  t0.smw_subobject AS so,
  t0.smw_sortkey AS sortkey, t0.smw_sort
  `smw_object_ids` AS t0
  `smw_di_blob` AS t1 ON t0.smw_id=t1.s_id
   (t1.o_hash='news') AND t1.p_id=15063)
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw'
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw-delete'
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw-redi'
  t0.smw_sort ASC
SQL Explain
1SIMPLEt1refs_id, p_id, s_id_2, o_hashp_id262const, const26100.00Using index condition; Using temporary; Using filesort
1SIMPLEt0eq_refPRIMARY, smw_id, smw_iw, smw_iw_2PRIMARY4smw-cora_org_wiki.t1.s_id199.64Using where
Auxilliary Tables
No auxilliary tables used.
Query Metrics
Errors and Warnings
Datum„Datum <span style="font-size:small;">(Date)</span>“ ist ein <a href="/index.php/Spezial:Datentypen/Date" title="Spezial:Datentypen/Date">Datentyp</a> für Datumswerte. Er wird Attributen mit Hilfe eines von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> bereitgestellten, softwareseitig fest definierten Attributs (Spezialattribut), zugeordnet.News
März 2015Poster @ science 2.0. Christoph Schindler and Marc Rittberger presented the poster entitled "Liquid Semantics in a Collaborative Research Environment" at the science 2.0 conference (March 25 - 26, 2015) in Hamburg. Thereby, Christoph Schindler gave a short lighning talk.
Oktober 2017The Semantic MediaWiki Conference [1] was held in Rotterdam 4-6 October, 2017. Lia Veja held a workshop about eHumanities, Tobias Weller presented the semantic annotator bundle
November 2013Paper presentation and Award @ MTSR 2013. Basil Ell presented the paper "Semantically enhanced interactions between heterogeneous data life-cycles" at the 7th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference in Thessaloniki. See slides. The paper by Basil Ell, Christoph Schindler and Marc Rittberger received the Best Paper Award.
November 2016At the workshop "Neue Perspektiven in der visuellen Bildungsgeschichte" which took place in Berlin, 24-25 November, 2016 [1] Christoph Schindler gave a talk on "Interlinking Pictura" a pilot project with the aim of realizing a VRE for analyzing pictures and other content in historical books.
Dezember 2013Workshop on Semantic CorA @ University Göttingen: On the December 20, the Semantic CorA project realized a workshop in Göttingen for interested researchers in the domain of history of education.
Dezember 2013Poster presentation @ DFG-Workshop "Vernetzung – Austausch – Nachnutzung". Chrisoph Schindler and Marc Rittberger presented the poster "Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung am Fallbeispiel der Historischen Bildungsforschung". See Datei:20131216 2 Poster Schindler Rittberger Semantic CorA DFG.pdf.
Mai 2015Workshop @ ISI. The Workshop "Digital humanities and the technologies of the semantic web: decolonizing description for the sake of digital humanities" at the isi 2015 addresses main points of Semantic CorA (May 18, 2015, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm).
März 2016At DGfE Congress in Kassel, 13-16 March, 2016 [1] Christoph Schindler gave a presentation on the topic "Digitale Forschung jenseits des Gegensatzes qualitativer/quantitativer Paradigmen"
März 2017At ISI 2017 in Berlin, 13-15 March, 2017 [1] the poster "Grasping the Materializations of Practices in Digital Humanities. A Semantic Research Environment for Analyzing Exam Grading Practices in German High Schools" by Christoph Schindler, Julian Hocker, Lars Müller, Maria Maleshkova und Tobias Weller was presented.
The Satellite Workshop Information Science and the Digital Humanities [1] was held in the context of ISI 2017 [2]. Amongst others Julian Hocker and Christoph Schindler gave a talk on the topic "Facing Epistemological Diversity in Digital Humanities. Designing Virtual Research Environments for Educational Research."
Mai 2018Interlinking Pictura is now online!
Juni 2018Interlinking Pictura was presented at ECSA Conference [1] in Geneva.
Juli 2016At the Digital Humanities Conference 11-16 July, 2016 in Kraków [1] Christoph Schindler and Basil Ell presented the paper "Linking Qualitative and Quantitative Research by Thin Descriptions through Semantic Graphs. Experiments in Apparatus Design with Semantic CorA."
Presentation @ PPO-Workshop. Christoph Schindler presented Semantic CorA and the facilities for image analysis, entitled "Bildmaterialien und digitale Forschungswerkzeuge − Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung Semantic CorA" to the first workshop "Pictura Paedagogica Online: Pädagogisches Wissen in Bildern" at the Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung (Research Library for the History of Education, BBF) in Berlin on October 30th, 2014.
August 2017Lia Veja, Helge Kminek, Kendra Sticht and Christoph Schindler gave a talk about the use of Semantic CorA for objective hermeneutics [1]
August 2018Interlinking Pictura was presented at OpenSym'18 [1] in Paris.
Oktober 2014Presentation @ SMWConFall 2014. Jan Novacek presented his extension entitled "Matching of External and Wiki Content by Entity Matching" at the 10th Semantic MediaWiki Conference (October 1 - 3, 2014) in Vienna. See the video.
September 2016The Semantic MediaWiki Conference [1] was held in Frankfurt 28-30 September, 2016 organized by DIPF and Open Semantic Data Association e. V.. The first day comprised a Tutorial Day with several experts teaching specifics of the use of Semantic MediaWiki. On the following two days the conference proceeded with Keynotes, talks and poster presentations on topics related to Semantic MediaWiki its use cases and future potentials.