Semantische Suche
Datum„Datum <span style="font-size:small;">(Date)</span>“ ist ein <a href="/index.php/Spezial:Datentypen/Date" title="Spezial:Datentypen/Date">Datentyp</a> für Datumswerte. Er wird Attributen mit Hilfe eines von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> bereitgestellten, softwareseitig fest definierten Attributs (Spezialattribut), zugeordnet. | News |
Oktober 2017 | The Semantic MediaWiki Conference [1] was held in Rotterdam 4-6 October, 2017. Lia Veja held a workshop about eHumanities, Tobias Weller presented the semantic annotator bundle |
August 2017 | Lia Veja, Helge Kminek, Kendra Sticht and Christoph Schindler gave a talk about the use of Semantic CorA for objective hermeneutics [1] |
März 2017 | At ISI 2017 in Berlin, 13-15 March, 2017 [1] the poster "Grasping the Materializations of Practices in Digital Humanities. A Semantic Research Environment for Analyzing Exam Grading Practices in German High Schools" by Christoph Schindler, Julian Hocker, Lars Müller, Maria Maleshkova und Tobias Weller was presented. The Satellite Workshop Information Science and the Digital Humanities [1] was held in the context of ISI 2017 [2]. Amongst others Julian Hocker and Christoph Schindler gave a talk on the topic "Facing Epistemological Diversity in Digital Humanities. Designing Virtual Research Environments for Educational Research." |