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Dezember 2013Poster presentation @ DFG-Workshop "Vernetzung – Austausch – Nachnutzung". Chrisoph Schindler and Marc Rittberger presented the poster "Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung am Fallbeispiel der Historischen Bildungsforschung". See Datei:20131216 2 Poster Schindler Rittberger Semantic CorA DFG.pdf.
Dezember 2013Workshop on Semantic CorA @ University Göttingen: On the December 20, the Semantic CorA project realized a workshop in Göttingen for interested researchers in the domain of history of education.
November 2013Paper presentation and Award @ MTSR 2013. Basil Ell presented the paper "Semantically enhanced interactions between heterogeneous data life-cycles" at the 7th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference in Thessaloniki. See slides. The paper by Basil Ell, Christoph Schindler and Marc Rittberger received the Best Paper Award.
März 2013Paper presentation and Award @ ISI 2013 in Potstdam. Christoph Schindler from our team presented a paper on SMW-CorA at the International Symposium of Information Science in Potsdam. The paper, authored by Christoph Schindler, Basil Ell and Marc Rittberger, won the Best Paper Award of the ISI 2013.
Juni 2012Paper @ dh 2012. Christoph Schindler presented a paper with Basil Ell and Marc Rittberger about "Intra-linking the research corpus Using semantic mediawiki as a lightweight virtual research environment" at the international conference Digital Humanities, which took place in Hamburg from 16. - 22. July 2012.